retreats of glaciers in glacial fields located at approximately 60o
north latitude along the margins of the major north Pacific and north Atlantic
gyres are not clearly related to increased atmospheric CO2
concentrations. The temporal records of glacial retreat are not long enough to
draw a more certain conclusion. Temperature variations show variable periods of
rise and fall over the span of observation with persistent temperature rise
during the 150 year period of this study. In Alaska during this period, the
temperature rose by about 1.6oC; in Greenland, by 2 oC;
and in Norway, by 1.62 oC. Increased temperatures are significant and
coincide with rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but the
temporal records of glacial retreat are too variable and not long enough to
draw direct correlation. Solar intensity variations, historical radiative
forcing and greenhouse gas totals increase over the span of observations, but
again without any obvious correlation to the complex records of glacial retreat.
In general a positive feedback between glacial retreat and increases in atmospheric
CO2 is very likely during the interval to time examined in this
study: glacial retreat, atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gas
concentrations and radiative forcing were all on the rise during the period of
Glacial retreat data
selected glacier fields along the northern border of the major Pacific and
Atlantic Ocean gyres. The Alaskan area is located near the northeast margin of
the Kuroshiro gyre, the Greenland field, near the northwest margin of the Gulf
Stream (north Atlantic gyre) and, the Norwegian field near the northeast margin
of the Gulf Stream. All glaciers are located at roughly the same latitude of
~60oN. I obtained glacial retreat data from University of Chicago
time series browser at I
selected 14 glaciers near the Alaskan Kenai Peninsula (Figure 1A), 11 from
southern Greenland (Figure 1B), and 13 from southern Norway (Figure 1C). Due to
space limitations of the project, data are displayed in relatively small areas.
Please adjust display size using your pdf display controls to see details you
may wish to explore in detail.
Temperature data
also compared glacial retreat patterns to recorded temperature variations
obtained at several meteorological stations near each glacier field. The URL
for temperature time series data from the Alaskan area is
The URL for the Greenland meteorological station temperature time series is
The URL for meteorological stations used for the Norwegian area is
Forcing mechanisms
fluxes associated with additional forcing mechanisms including solar intensity,
historical radiative forcing and greenhouse gasses (total) are also considered.
You can find these data in the Forcings/Records tab of
1: A, B and C show the glacier retreat records from Alaska, Greenland and
Norway, respectively. Locations of glaciers examined in this study are
contained within the red circled areas of Alaska, Greenland and Norway D, E and
F are plots of residual retreat from Alaska, Greenland and Norway,
Glacial Retreat Data
retreat in Alaska (Figure 1A) showed the most dramatic variations with retreats
extending from around a kilometer to nearly 25kms. Glacial retreats in
Greenland (Figure 1B) had the smallest range, varying from a couple hundred
meters to 2.25kms. In Norway (Figure 1C), glacial retreat ranged from about
1/2km to 4.5kms. In Greenland and Norway, there is persistent retreat through
the period of observation extending from 1850 to 2010. In Alaska, pronounced
retreat begins roughly between 1900 and 1940; in Greenland, increased rates of
retreat occur between 1940 and 1970; in Norway, initiation of glacial retreat
is quite variable, however the retreat of some of the glaciers accelerate
between 1940-1970. In general, glacial retreat appears to occur throughout the
observation period in Norway. Generally in the early 1900s there is accelerated
retreat in Alaska and Greenland. I calculated residuals (Figure 1D-1F) by
subtracting a smoothed record of retreat obtained using an 11-point moving
average from the raw retreat data. The residuals highlight periods of
accelerated retreat. The residual signature of increased retreat is a
peak-trough response in the residual. The trough identifies acceleration away
from the average. There is considerable variability in times of accelerated
retreat within each area as well as among areas (Figure 1D-1F). Alaskan
glaciers show some significant acceleration around 1930, 1950 and in the
80s. Greenland glacial retreat is
relatively stable 1940 with notable periods of acceleration in 1960, early 70s
and early 80s (Figure 1E). In Norway, accelerated retreat is spread throughout
the period of observation (roughly 1880 to 2013) (Figure 1F). Any notion of
similarity in the records of glacial retreat in the northeast corners of the
two ocean gyres occupied by Alaska and Norway is ruled out immediately by
inspection. The north Atlantic glacial fields have some general similarity in
that the glaciers in these areas generally collapsed during the 1850-2017
observation period.
The relationship between increased
concentration of atmospheric CO2 and glacial retreat?
this analysis, we examine glacier retreat data for some similarities in the
timing of retreat. We do this for glaciers bordering the north Atlantic in
Greenland and Norway and between Alaska and Norway. The Alaskan and Norwegian
glacier fields are located east of the major Pacific and Atlantic gyres,
respectively. I inquire into whether there might be some similarity between
Alaska and Norway retreat patterns. Preliminary analysis provide no support for
also look for any relationship between episodes of glacial retreat and
variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. I plotted CO2
data over the past 2000 years (Figure 2A) and computed residuals (Figure
2B). You can obtain these and other CO2
data at from the Institute for
Atmospheric and Climate Studies in Zurich, Switzerland. CO2
concentrations rise rapidly in the late 1800s. The residual concentrations show
only minor excursions prior to 1800. From 1800 to present the residuals
increase in magnitude with pronounced increase through the 1900s.
I did not find a clear relationship
between glacial retreat and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Glacial retreat
during the 1850 to 2010 time period may be associated with the increased
concentration of atmospheric CO2 during that same period, but the
lack of data preceding 1850 make this speculative. I examine this issue further
in the following analysis.
Figure 2: Atmospheric CO2
concentrations A) from 0 to 2014 and B) from 1880 to 2014.
Temperature variations: Alaska,
Greenland and Norway
Temperature records from 9 stations in the area
surrounding the glaciers were selected to obtain a representative temperature
trends (Figure 3). The temperature records are generally continuous following
1950. Some of the records preceding 1950 tend to be incomplete. The stations
links can be loaded on the climate models timeseries site using the URL
Figure 3: A) Stations in
the vicinity of glaciers (small blue dots) examined in the Alaska are located
on the Kenai Peninsula. B) Temperature variations of 9 stations in the vicinity
of Alaskan glaciers examined in this study along with trendlines fit for over
the 1917 to 2013 time frame.
decadal temperature trends are positive and vary between 0.04 and 0.36oC.
Some normalized trends are shown in Figure 4. Note that in the region there is
a general rise in temperature between about 1918 and 1945, followed by a sudden
drop of about 1.95 degrees from 1945-1950. Between 1950 and 1975 the
temperature drop is roughly -0.18oC. The decadal trends are at 0.51
and -0.0.7oC, respectively. There are different ways to parse the
data, but this rise and fall does coincide roughly with the episode of major
retreat observed in the glaciers of this area during that time period Figure
1(A and D).
Figure 4: Normalized
temperature changes for the Alaskan glaciers in the Kenai Peninsula with
temperature trends between 1918-1945 and 1940-1975 identified and those from
1950 to 2016 shown individually.
is difficult to fit a single line to the data over the entire duration of
measurements. While there is an average decadal rise over the last 100 years of
0.16oC/decade it is not uniform. The temperature trend between 1975
and 2006 is 0.36oC/decade. However, if we start just 5 years earlier
we get a rise of is 0.5oC/decade. These linear fits must be made
with an eye on parts of the data especially if comparisons are to be made.
combined curve provides a good summary (Figure 5), but we don’t get a good
sense for some of the discontinuity and limits in coverage observed in
individual stations, particularly for more recent records (2006-2016). Compare
figures 4 and 5.
Figure 5: Composite
temperature variations in the Kenai Peninsula area of Alaska.
record of glacial retreat in the Kenai Peninsula region of Alaska reveals
remarkably extensive retreat between 1900 and 1960 for some glaciers in the
area. These retreats occur during that period where there was a rise in
temperature of about 1oC (1910-1945) followed by a drop of about 1oC
from 1940-1975. While variations are not uniformly increasing from the early
1900s into the 2000s, there is an average rise of ~1.6oC through the
100year plus span of temperature measurements in the area.
undertook similar analysis of Greenland meteorological stations. Meteorological
stations in the area are not too numerous (Figure 6). The URL for these
stations is The
temperature changes in this area extend almost continuously from 1866 to 2016.
The decadal temperature change over the 1.5 century time frame is 0.15oC/decade
with total change of 2oC. The records of retreat shown in Figure 1B
reveal a period of accelerated retreat during the early-mid 1900s. The decadal
temperature increase during this 50 year period is 0.39 oC/decade
and may begin a couple decades earlier. This provides a relatively clear
association between prominent episodes of glacial retreat in the region with
temperature increase.
Figure 6: A)
Meteorological stations in southern Greenland near the glacier field examined
in this study (circled blue dots); B) temperature records in the area with best
fit lines plotted for the 1900-1950 time period.
Norway, stations near glaciers used in this analysis can be located and plotted
using the URL The
blue dots in Figure 7A indicate glacier locations. Various colored larger dots
indicate the locations of meteorological stations used in the study.Temperature
trends over this 167-year period are all positive and vary between 0.08 and
0.18oC/decade. There is a slight drop of temperature in the 1960s.
On average from 1948 to 1965 there was a -0.22oC/decade drop in
temperature. In the following decade there was a 1.63oC increase in
temperature. During this same period (1950 to 1975) we saw an increase in the
retreat rates for several of the glaciers in this area (Figure1C and 1F). Overall, the Norwegian glacier set has been
in continuous retreat over the last 167 years of recorded extents. On average,
temperatures rose steadily during this period at about 0.12oC/decade,
while the increase along the best fit line totals about 1.62oC.
There appears to be a general association of glacial retreat with overall
temperature rise.
Figure 7: Data from
Norway include A) meteorological stations surrounding the glaciers used in the analysis
and B) composite temperature variations measured at the meteorological stations
in the area.
CO2 Residuals: another
Figure 8: The power law
fit to northern hemisphere CO2 concentrations (blue line) is shown
by the black line. The residual (CO2 concentrations minus residual)
is show in green.
approach to residual calculation in Figure 1 employed removal of smoothed
retreat from the raw records. I computed the smoothed version using a centered
11-point moving average. The smoothing was decadal and the residual reveals
short-term variations from the underlying trend. As a follow up, I took another
approach to fitting the data and calculating a residual. I started the CO2
time series at 1800 (year 0) and calculated a power law fit to the CO2
concentrations (Figure 8).
power law fit yields a good representation of the overall exponential rise in
CO2 concentrations observed during the last 200 years. The residuals
relative to this exponential fit show a period of increased CO2
concentration spanning about a 75 year period from 1875 to 1950. The residual
indicates that concentrations rose more rapidly introducing an additional 2-5
ppm CO2 annually into the atmosphere. This gives rise to the
question of whether this anomalous increase in the rate of CO2 rise
could initiate more extensive glacial retreat.
Greenhouse gasses, radiative forcing
and solar intensity
episodes of glacial retreat shown in Figure 1A-1C generally pick up in the last
half of the 20th century. This is also generally associated with
increased forcing (Figure 9). Combined forcing steps up
Figure 9: Display of
fluxes associated with solar intensity, historical radiative forcing and
greenhouse gas totals. The sum of the forcing mechanisms is also plotted for
I analyzed records of glacial retreat for glaciers in
glacial fields located at approximately 60o north latitude along the
margins of the major north Pacific and north Atlantic gyres. These records
covered a period of approximately 150 years beginning in 1850. The records of
glacial retreat in these three areas are quite different immediately ruling out
any association to their relative position in ocean gyres. Outgrowths of the
study include the following:
A clear relationship between glacial
retreat and increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations cannot be
definitively established since the rapid rise in contemporary atmospheric CO2
concentrations begins around 1850 and observations of behavior in the preceding
century were not available. The glacial fields in Greenland and Norway were
unstable and experienced significant retreat throughout this period of time. In
Alaska significant retreat did not begin until about 1900. However, the Alaskan
retreats were 3 to 5 times as extensive as those in Norway and as much as 10
times more extensive than those in Greenland. Maximum glacial retreat for the
McCarty glacier reached just over 24km.
Records of temperature during the 1850 to
2017 year period were not as extensive as the glacial retreat records. Temperature
records in Alaska were available from about 1900 on; those from Greenland,
about 1870 on and those from Norway spanned the 1850 to recent period.
Temperature rise was observed in all three areas. In Alaska the temperature
rose by about 1.6oC; in Greenland, by 2 oC; and in
Norway, by 1.62 oC. Increased temperatures are significant and
coincide with rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but, again, the
temporal records of glacial retreat are not long enough to establish a direct
Residual CO2 concentrations in
the last 200 years reveal a more rapid rise in atmospheric CO2
concentration by about 2-5ppm above the background trend during the 1874 to
1950 time period. While this anomalous increase in the rate of CO2 rise
cannot be associated with a distinct onset time of extensive glacial retreat we do see accelerated glacial retreat around the 1950s. This is also a time when we see CO2 concentrations increase at a more dramatic pace.
Solar intensity variations, historical
radiative forcing and greenhouse gas totals all increase over the span of
observations. However, once again the limited span of glacial retreat data
limits more definitive conclusions from the analysis.
The relationship of any individual
glacier’s retreat or of the general behavior of individual glacier fields to
rising CO2 concentration, temperature or various forcing mechanisms
cannot be definitively established. However, in general, the analysis provides
some evidence that positive feedback between glacial retreat and increases in
atmospheric CO2, other greenhouse gasses and radiative forcing is
very likely during the interval of time examined in this study. While glacial
retreat may have served the role of the canary in the mine if records from the
1700s were available, they certainly provide dramatic evidence for
the long term impacts of global warming.
Glacial retreat data from University of
Chicago time series browser at
Temperature time series data from the
Alaskan area is
Temperature time series data for Greenland
is located at
The URL for meteorological stations used
for the Norwegian area is
Forcings/Records are located at