Saturday, February 9, 2019

Calving in action: Muir and Mendenhall glaciers

The Muir glacier is in retreat and so is the Mendenhall. Repeat photography of the Muir Glacier is presented on the USGS site [] with dramatic comparisons from the 1880s and 2005 from various vantage points. From 1941 to 2004, the Muir glacier receded 7 miles. The Muir glacier is shown below in the photo by LCGS Russ - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

The time lapse view of the Mendenhall retreat is spectacular. View this on the Huffington Post at []. The images below show the retreat over 2007 to 2015. The calving action through time is dramatic. 

The national Geographic site [] shows the difference between 1894 and 2008 (below). The retreat is close to 3 kilometers over that nearly 120 year period. This article also presents images of the Muir glacier retreat. For a directory of  Alaska's glaciers visit

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