Saturday, February 9, 2019

Global Climate Dashboard and Modeling

There is a wealth of information available on the web site []. On the global climate dashboard one can pull up a variety of informative maps. I’ve displayed the global climate dashboard showing data relevant to some of the topics we’ve been discussing over the past 3 weeks on the course Climate Change: The Science through the University of Exeter. 

 Here we see trends in arctic sea ice extent, heat-trapping gasses and glacier loss.

The site also has many other interesting maps including this map of the average temperature trends in the US (lower 48) since 1895.

As noted in an earlier post, we can see that there is considerable regional variability in climate change. Those living in the east-southeast regions of the US might argue that climate change has been insignificant. 

You’ll also find a variety of teaching resources at here's a 30 day free demo download of climate modeling software from Columbia University at

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